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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Eggbot DNA Sequence Plot

I wanted a ping pong ball to take to work with DNA sequence on it. An arbitrary FASTA file off of JGI's IMG site provided the data, which pasted into a 3200 wide by 800 tall Inkscape doc, the standard size for the Eggbot. It didn't want to plot as text, so after a bit of doc hunting, I found the Hershey Text which is text as paths. The first ping pong ball was too crowded to read. A couple of iterations of cutting text out, resizing, and rearranging showed that six lines of about 45-50 characters each stretched to almost the full size of the image fit onto a pingpong ball at a readable size.

Here is the result in a grainy computer photo:

The Eggbot kit is from Evil Mad Science and was pretty easy to assemble.

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